City of Portsmouth College

After a successful merger of two of the largest college’s in Portsmouth, a totally new brand was created by an external design agency, which needed to be implemented across all new marketing materials.

I was brought in to work with the marketing department to work alongside and support the in-house senior graphic designer. Work included the full design of the new prospectus, implementing the new brand style, press adverts and other marketing literature.

Meetings with the marketing team and designer allowed me to provide them with the support that the work required on an almost daily basis. The project was briefed and feedback through the design process enabled the project to always move forward in the right direction until sign off.

The new prospectus was received with excellent feedback with a very happy college. Student say it is very easy to read, use and is a valuable item that helped them to decide their future in education. The working relationship has also been extend to include more freelance work on an ad-hoc basis.